Switch up your usual night out by going on a bar crawl in Gainesville! This college town has several, so all you need to do is grab a group of friends and get ready for a night of fun trying out new bars and cocktails.

Florida Fun Bikes

This multi-passenger, human-powered vehicle offers group events with a party bus-feel. Hop onto one of these with a group of friends for a safe pub crawl, celebration, or corporate event. Take a trip to Downtown Gainesville and pedal down cobbled streets around Bo Diddley Plaza and the Hippodrome Theater while sampling bars and restaurants. The midtown ride is a jaunt around the University of Florida campus for the ultimate college bar experience. Don’t have 16 friends on board? Chose the Mix n’ Mingle option to go on a two-hour pub crawl and make new friends while enjoying stops from both routes. Book a tour now! Group tours start at $300, and Mix n’ Mingle tickets start at $30.

Related content: Best College Bars in Gainesville

Gator Stompin’ Pub Crawl

The 35th Annual Gator Stompin’ Pub Crawl will be held on May 3 to celebrate the end of another school year. Thousands of people will come out to celebrate being part of the Gator Nation with a night of amazing drinks, delicious food, and live music! Instead of purchasing tickets, you'll buy a T-shirt giving you access to the best night clubs, bars, and restaurants in Gainesville. T-shirts are currently on sale for $4.57 and packages are on sale for $14.76 while supplies last; full prices are $40 per T-shirt and packages for $50.

Santa Crawl

Every year, the Santa Crawl in Gainesville supports Catholic Charities' Weekend Hunger Backpack Programs with a Christmas fundraiser. A simple donation of $15 cash or kid-friendly food items is your admission to this bar crawl. Your Christmas costumes wave bar covers and drink specials will be offered at each bar on the crawl. The official crawl stops vary year to year, but they always post a schedule in advance. Check back for date and time of the 2018 Santa Crawl.

Whether you're wanting to go out for fun, show school pride, or support a great cause, bar crawls are perfect for any occasion in Gainesville. Let us know which Gainesville bar crawl(s) you plan on doing in the comments!

For more bar crawls in Gainesville, register on 352area and connect to everything going on North Central Florida.


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